Proactiva Corporate & Tax is dedicated to fiscal and business matters.
Our reliable and well-prepared professionals provide companies with daily support in solving problems caused by the complex and constantly changing tax rules and obligations
Our reliable and well-prepared professionals provide companies with daily support in solving problems caused by the complex and constantly changing tax rules and obligations
Proactiva Corporate & Tax works with its network of foreign representatives to help international groups address issues related to taxation, both inbound and outbound, particularly regarding:
– transfer pricing
– international tax planning
– international application of VAT
– application of double taxation conventions
– application of CFC legislation
– recovery of withholdings made under other legal systems
Proactiva Corporate & Tax professionals also offer advice and assistance in customs litigation at an international level.
Via Olmetto, 17
20123 Milano
+39 02 36755000
Via della Zecca, 1
40124 Bologna
+39 051 0416999